9 unusual restaurants, a visit to which turns into a fascinating adventure
Among the many attractions of different countries and cities, restaurants occupy a special place. Among them there are truly iconic ones, which not only tourists strive to get into, but…

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Faviken Magazine
Michelin has released a list of the best restaurants in Scandinavia Michelin Nordic Guide 2016. The highest marks - three stars each - received Maaemo in Oslo and Geranium in…


Scandinavian restaurants
The tradition of this restaurant, which has become the best in Denmark, is to offer guests to go to the kitchen to look at the cooking process and greet the…

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Restaurants and cafes in Palanga
Rest in Palanga is pleasant in all respects, here you can relax and enjoy life. The only problem may be the choice of a place where you can eat -…

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take scrambled eggs

5 rules of conduct in a good restaurant, which will help not to get into a embarrassing situation

Beautiful life is not forbidden. Well, at least sometimes. And from time to time, allowing yourself a trip to a good restaurant is a pleasant way to add bright colors to your life. But before getting up on the highest heels or tightly tie a tie, it does not hurt to recall the 5 basic rules of etiquette. They will help avoid embarrassing situations and get maximum pleasure. Continue reading

Important secrets McDonald `s, about which employees will never tell visitors

“Para-pa-pa-pam, that’s what I love!” – this simple music screen saver is spinning in the head of everyone who has ever been to McDonald`s. Fans of fast food in the world every year becomes more and more, and the reason for this is easy to call. The fast food chain has its own tricks on how to hook a consumer and make him fall in love with hamburgers, Coca-Cola and french fries. Continue reading

The most beautiful restaurants in the world
A trip to the restaurant is a pleasure not only gastronomic, but also aesthetic. The beauty of the interior and exterior affects the appetite as much as the correct serving.…


The eclectic interior of the gourmet cafe Bite & Go. Deli Cafe in Kiev
Studio Yaroslav Galant innovative design has completed work on the interior of a gourmet cafe located in the very center of Kiev with exquisite street food Bite & Go. Deli…
