The best restaurants in the world according to The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2018
Since 2002, The World’s 50 Best Restaurants has published a ranking of top restaurants and chefs. Candidates are determined by a jury of more than 1,000 people worldwide. These are…

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Unusual dinner: 8 of the strangest themed restaurants
Restaurants have long ceased to be a place where they come just to eat. To cope with the competition, their owners are trying to make their facilities as individual as…


The recipe for success of the richest restaurateur of the world
It takes only 10 minutes from the beginning of the meeting, as Tilman Fertitta, having dealt with the first cup of coffee - one of many in the morning, decides,…

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9 unusual restaurants, a visit to which turns into a fascinating adventure
Among the many attractions of different countries and cities, restaurants occupy a special place. Among them there are truly iconic ones, which not only tourists strive to get into, but…

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Sophisticated cocktails

6 strange restaurants that even the most desperate gourmets do not dare to enter

If you want to attract additional customers, do well or do something unique. However, there are such cases when both “good” and “uniquely” are done not to attract as many people as possible, but to attract only the “most courageous” ones.

1. Silence Restaurant
In Greenpoint, Brooklyn, you can visit the restaurant “Eat” by Nikolos Naumann. Continue reading

Important secrets McDonald `s, about which employees will never tell visitors

“Para-pa-pa-pam, that’s what I love!” – this simple music screen saver is spinning in the head of everyone who has ever been to McDonald`s. Fans of fast food in the world every year becomes more and more, and the reason for this is easy to call. The fast food chain has its own tricks on how to hook a consumer and make him fall in love with hamburgers, Coca-Cola and french fries. Continue reading

How not to “hussar” in a status restaurant and be satisfied: tips for any wallet

There are few people who do not like to visit restaurants. It always gives a festive mood and makes you feel status. But how to protect yourself from bitter disappointment that arises when the wallet remains empty, and instead of the joy of the dishes there is only an overflowing stomach and a feeling of annoyance? The material will discuss what dishes should and should not be preferred when visiting a restaurant, if you are planning a “budget” visit that does not hit the wallet. Continue reading

5 rules of conduct in a good restaurant, which will help not to get into a embarrassing situation
Beautiful life is not forbidden. Well, at least sometimes. And from time to time, allowing yourself a trip to a good restaurant is a pleasant way to add bright colors…


Salt, fire and gaucho: what a traditional Brazilian restaurant looks like
Brazilian feast, like carnival, means a lot of passion. The restaurateur Gennady Medvedev explains what this means from a gastronomic point of view. Salt, fire and gaucho: what a traditional…
