7 European restaurants with 3 Michelin stars
The Michelin Guide is the most popular and influential world restaurant rating that has existed in its current form since 1926. Three stars mean the magnificent work of the chef…

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5 rules of conduct in a good restaurant, which will help not to get into a embarrassing situation
Beautiful life is not forbidden. Well, at least sometimes. And from time to time, allowing yourself a trip to a good restaurant is a pleasant way to add bright colors…


The most unusual restaurants in the world
Dinner in the Sky restaurant opened on June 18 in Kiev. The concept of the institution is more than unusual - lunch is offered in the sky. Visitors take seats…

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10 most inaccessible restaurants in the world
Usually it’s enough just to go to McDonalds or the nearest cafe to have a snack. Sometimes there is a desire to find some unusual restaurant that would amaze not…

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Thanks to a-ping

10 of the most unusual dishes that are served in restaurants of the world

Next time, dining in a restaurant and intending to complain about the dish served, you should take a deep breath and be glad that very strange delicacies do not serve here. Not that they could not be eaten, but to see them in the restaurant menu is rather strange. It is unlikely that they can be attributed to gourmet cuisine. Nevertheless, many gourmets go on long journeys only for their sake. Continue reading

14 "special" restaurants, not everyone can afford to go to
Perhaps, good food and decent service in catering establishments are popular with everyone. Therefore, many periodically go out of the walls of their own home to have lunch or dinner…


The most unusual restaurants in the world
Dinner in the Sky restaurant opened on June 18 in Kiev. The concept of the institution is more than unusual - lunch is offered in the sky. Visitors take seats…
