“It’s too early for the French to write off”
What does French cuisine smell like? Incredibly difficult question. We have 22 regions, and each of them has its own unique specialties and smells. But if it is nevertheless necessary…

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5 rules of conduct in a good restaurant, which will help not to get into a embarrassing situation
Beautiful life is not forbidden. Well, at least sometimes. And from time to time, allowing yourself a trip to a good restaurant is a pleasant way to add bright colors…


7 European restaurants with 3 Michelin stars
The Michelin Guide is the most popular and influential world restaurant rating that has existed in its current form since 1926. Three stars mean the magnificent work of the chef…

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The most unusual restaurants in the world
Dinner in the Sky restaurant opened on June 18 in Kiev. The concept of the institution is more than unusual - lunch is offered in the sky. Visitors take seats…

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How not to “hussar” in a status restaurant and be satisfied: tips for any wallet

There are few people who do not like to visit restaurants. It always gives a festive mood and makes you feel status. But how to protect yourself from bitter disappointment that arises when the wallet remains empty, and instead of the joy of the dishes there is only an overflowing stomach and a feeling of annoyance? The material will discuss what dishes should and should not be preferred when visiting a restaurant, if you are planning a “budget” visit that does not hit the wallet.

1. Do not take meals that are three times cheaper in fast foods and taste better.
In a status restaurant, the cost of a pizza or a serving of ice cream can make such a stable expression as “a penny-eyed” materialize. Do not forget that you are in the institution of “some sort of mark-up category,” which means that you pay more for beautiful interiors than for food and cooking. If you want to eat pizza, then it is more reasonable to go to a time-tested pizzeria, where you will get guaranteed thin dough and great taste.

And if you definitely want to finish the evening with dessert, then go to another, now budgetary establishment. And the time to go and walk on foot will contribute to the fact that the food is partially digested, and you will be ready to receive the dessert (it is recommended to use the dessert 20-30 minutes after the main courses).

2. Do not plan on drinking a lot of alcohol.
As a rule, half a liter of beer is 3-4 times more expensive in a restaurant than in a store next door. A glass of vodka – 5-8 times. Sophisticated cocktails with fashionable names are also amazing with their value. Therefore, we can safely say that the most expensive dish in restaurants is alcohol. Always consider this when planning a budget for going to a restaurant. One glass of wine will be the most competent choice and keep your health.

In addition, not all establishments are ideally honest administration. It may be that in the wine of elite brands you can get a product of a local distillery. Buying alcohol in a restaurant always carries the risk of being deceived.

3. Do not take dishes from meat, which is included in the almost daily diet.
Why order chicken cutlets that cost as much in a restaurant as you give out at a company meat store for 3-4 kilograms of broiler chicken meat? It is much more reasonable to treat yourself to a meat dish that is not cooked in your home. It can be beef, lamb, veal. These types of meat are whimsical in cooking, so modern housewives rarely take on their creation.

The same goes for poultry: look for turkey or duck dishes on the menu. Thus, going to a restaurant will enrich your gastronomic experience and allow you to compare different types of meat. This is very useful information for the future for everyone.

4. Do not take the dishes that you already eat at home
To give preference in the restaurant is better for such dishes that you cannot cook at home yourself. It can be seafood dishes, sushi, meat dishes that are difficult to bake, national dishes that are prepared using technologies and equipment that you don’t have at home, such as Korean WOK dishes.

Just look, for example, on rolls with red fish in a restaurant to understand that only a professional chef can twist and cut them so subtly. Such dishes will always delight both the eye and the stomach.

5. Do not take meals that are guaranteed bloating
Such a dish, for example, as lasagna, is of interest by one name. But beware of pitfalls. In fact, this is a hell of a mixture of pasta with meat. And this means that by and large this giant word hides a giant burger (or a huge sandwich). That is, a portion of ravioli in the same restaurant will give you exactly the same gastronomic experience, and it will be 2-3 times cheaper. Such a dish will almost always cause bloating if followed by dessert.

The most delicious and expensive dinners in 5-star restaurants
Food culture has now become an exciting activity for many people, especially among the rich and famous, and tasting expensive dishes in trendy high-end restaurants is a kind of hobby…


Faviken Magazine
Michelin has released a list of the best restaurants in Scandinavia Michelin Nordic Guide 2016. The highest marks - three stars each - received Maaemo in Oslo and Geranium in…
