9 unusual restaurants, a visit to which turns into a fascinating adventure
Among the many attractions of different countries and cities, restaurants occupy a special place. Among them there are truly iconic ones, which not only tourists strive to get into, but…

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Important secrets McDonald `s, about which employees will never tell visitors
“Para-pa-pa-pam, that's what I love!” - this simple music screen saver is spinning in the head of everyone who has ever been to McDonald`s. Fans of fast food in the…


Unusual dinner: 8 of the strangest themed restaurants
Restaurants have long ceased to be a place where they come just to eat. To cope with the competition, their owners are trying to make their facilities as individual as…

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In France, fast-food outlets have bypassed traditional restaurants.
In 2012, sales of fast-food eateries in France amounted to 34 billion euros, according to industry consulting company Gira Conseil. As a result, fast food occupied 54% of the total…

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Accepts restaurant

15 of the most delicious restaurants in Europe from the Michelin Red Guide

Three stars from Michelin mean only one thing: for the sake of this restaurant you should go on a European journey. Where exactly? Now we will tell you.

In the high restaurant business there can be no compromise. Location, service and interior must meet the highest expectations of visitors. With all this, of course, the kitchen – above all. It is she who should finally pick up the person so that he leaves the table with a sweet sensation of gastronomic delight. Continue reading

Michelin Restaurants: The Five Best Restaurants in the World

Restaurants with Michelin stars can be counted on the fingers. After all, even get one of the three – a great honor and a lot of work. Critics of Michelin are visiting places in secret and evaluate literally every little thing. This is not only the quality of the cuisine, but also the level of service, atmosphere, comfort and even the atmosphere reigning in the establishment itself. Continue reading

“It’s too early for the French to write off”

What does French cuisine smell like? Incredibly difficult question. We have 22 regions, and each of them has its own unique specialties and smells. But if it is nevertheless necessary to single out one thing – then, probably, this is beef in Burgundy. The smell of this dish is not confused with what.

Checking products personally is the sacred duty of any chef who respects his profession. Continue reading

5 rules of conduct in a good restaurant, which will help not to get into a embarrassing situation
Beautiful life is not forbidden. Well, at least sometimes. And from time to time, allowing yourself a trip to a good restaurant is a pleasant way to add bright colors…


Salt, fire and gaucho: what a traditional Brazilian restaurant looks like
Brazilian feast, like carnival, means a lot of passion. The restaurateur Gennady Medvedev explains what this means from a gastronomic point of view. Salt, fire and gaucho: what a traditional…
