The taste and color: the most beautiful restaurants in the world
From fine restaurants on the West Coast of the USA to lovely pastry shops in the Far East, Vogue UA talks about the most beautiful places in different parts of…

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Sobrino de Botin - the oldest restaurant in the world
Restaurant Sobrino de Botin (Sobrino de Botin) in Madrid - the oldest catering establishment in the world, opened in 1725 and listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The history…


Seasonal fashion
In the kitchen, as in fashion, the vector of development is set by trends. To understand what trend determines our gastronomic preferences today, just look at the ranking of the…

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Michelin Restaurants: The Five Best Restaurants in the World
Restaurants with Michelin stars can be counted on the fingers. After all, even get one of the three - a great honor and a lot of work. Critics of Michelin…

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directly opposite

Top 10 best restaurants in Barcelona

Barcelona is the birthplace of not only famous personalities, but also excellent cuisine, which is impossible to overlook. The gastronomic capital of Spain annually attracts thousands of tourists who are ready for experiments. Today we will present you the top ten best restaurants in Barcelona.

Els Quatre Gats (Four cats) – Spanish bohemian restaurant
This place has almost a century of history, which already attracts visitors. It is famous not only for its interior and menu, the cover of which was designed by young Picasso. Continue reading

10 of the most unusual dishes that are served in restaurants of the world
Next time, dining in a restaurant and intending to complain about the dish served, you should take a deep breath and be glad that very strange delicacies do not serve…


The most unusual restaurants in the world
Dinner in the Sky restaurant opened on June 18 in Kiev. The concept of the institution is more than unusual - lunch is offered in the sky. Visitors take seats…
