Sobrino de Botin - the oldest restaurant in the world
Restaurant Sobrino de Botin (Sobrino de Botin) in Madrid - the oldest catering establishment in the world, opened in 1725 and listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The history…

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“It’s too early for the French to write off”
What does French cuisine smell like? Incredibly difficult question. We have 22 regions, and each of them has its own unique specialties and smells. But if it is nevertheless necessary…


10 most shocking challenges that restaurants offer to pass to their customers
Contests that organize restaurants for their customers are considered a marketing ploy and attract visitors. Their essence lies in the fact that the client is offered to purchase a huge…

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Lorenzo Whom: “The kitchen of the future is Mexican cuisine”
Lorenzo Kogo is a virtuoso chef who became the owner of the Michelin star at the age of 25. His restaurant El Coq in Marano Vicentino Northern Italy is famous…

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10 most inaccessible restaurants in the world

Usually it’s enough just to go to McDonalds or the nearest cafe to have a snack. Sometimes there is a desire to find some unusual restaurant that would amaze not only with original dishes, but also with its interior and location. We offer an overview of the restaurants that are the most “hard to reach” in the world. They are located either very far, or high, or deep. But having overcome the difficulties, you can get the cherished dish and feel like a winner.

10. Argentina – La Mesita de Almanza
The restaurant is located on the Tierra del Fuego, on an island in the southernmost point of South America, in the town of Ushuaia. The restaurant is called “Tierra del Fuego”, and people often say about it that it “is located on the edge of the world.” From this point they often go on an expedition to the South Pole of the Earth. Here you can taste the local national dishes.

9. Peru – Tampu Restaurant
Although you can get to Machu Picchu in Peru by bus or by expensive train, but it is much more difficult and more interesting on foot. A trip along the Inca trails will take 2-4 days, but a month must wait for their turn due to the popularity of the route. A trip to Machu Picchu is a very long and costly event. In addition, alone or in a small group, they are not allowed to go on a journey; you need escort from a travel agency. But all the work will pay off after tasting national dishes in the restaurant.

8. Sweden – Fäviken
Fäviken is served by 12 people. The staff independently harvests and prepares the ingredients for future meals. Although the food is delicious, but to get to the restaurant is difficult. Fäviken is located between a group of lakes, mountains and farms. To get there from Stockholm by car will take 6 hours drive along a deserted road, but it really deserves to be visited.

7. Scotland – “Three Pipes”
Scotland is a small part of the UK with a population of 5 million people, but there is also a hard-to-reach restaurant. “Three pipes” is located on the island of Skye. Despite the fact that it is incredibly difficult to get to him, he has been working for 30 years. From Glasgow, the journey takes 6 hours by car, and you also need to get to the island by ferry. Or 4 hours by car from the city of Porti on the Isle of Skye. But the trip is worth it – the restaurant serves world-class first-class cuisine.

6. Faroe Islands – Nordasti Hagi
The Faroe Islands are isolated from the world, located between Iceland and Norway. If you can still reach the islands, then getting to the Nordasti Hagi is very difficult. The restaurant will get only on foot or by SUV – there is no paved road. First 45 minutes in the marshland, and then another 20 minutes on foot. The restaurant is located on an old farm.

5. New Zealand – The Furneaux Lodge
The Furneaux Lodge is located in New Zealand’s Marlborough Sounds valley. The restaurant is isolated from civilization and roads – it can be reached by boat. The whole region is famous for wildlife, the inaccessibility, where you can perfectly ride a mountain bike or go hiking. food is delicious air causes appetite. The restaurant offers delicacies.

4. Pitcairn Island – Cristians Café
It is very difficult to get to Pitcairn Island, and this is the most sparsely populated point of earthly civilization. On the island, located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, lives 50 people. One can get here only on a ship, but even this path is dangerous because of the rocks and the current. First you need to fly to Tahiti, then to Mangarev and then by sea 482 km to the island. To date, only cruise liners and visit the island, and the passengers restaurant.

3. Maldives – Ithaa
The uniqueness of the fashionable and luxurious restaurant located in the Maldives is not only in its name, which translates as “mother of pearls”. This is the world’s first underwater restaurant. Its glass ceiling allows visitors to enjoy the beauty of the underwater life of sharks, tropical fish and stingrays during a meal. The restaurant is not easily accessible either by location or by price: firstly, the islands themselves are far away, and, secondly, the menu is not cheap. It can accommodate only 14 visitors at a time, so you need to reserve a table in advance.

2. Zanzibar – Scala Restaurant
The restaurant was given this name for a reason: it really crowned the top of a small cliff on the island of Zanzibar. It has been opened since 2010. To the nearest town 15 minutes by car. Getting to the restaurant is a real adventure. During low tide, you can walk to it on water, but when sailing – only by boat. The restaurant has wonderful food and a wonderful panoramic view.

1. China – Restaurant “Tea Room on Mount Huashan”
The tea room on the top of the mountain is number one due to the inaccessibility on our list because of the adrenaline that one will have to experience on the way. First, visitors are brought to the boat. And then they are waited by a wooden bridge attached to the rock that leads to the top of the mountain – no railing, just a chain along the path on one side. Better not to look down! A cup of hot herbal tea calms the nerves after a breathtaking rise.

9 rules to follow in a Japanese restaurant
The rules of etiquette for Japanese cuisine go far beyond "not to put your elbows on the table." What everyone is used to will look strange in a Japanese restaurant,…


9 rules to follow in a Japanese restaurant
The rules of etiquette for Japanese cuisine go far beyond "not to put your elbows on the table." What everyone is used to will look strange in a Japanese restaurant,…
