Nice Restaurants
Nice is the city of southern France, which attracts here hundreds of thousands of tourists. Agree, it's nice to know the city in all ranges, including gastronomy. On the Cote…

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The most unusual restaurants in the world
Dinner in the Sky restaurant opened on June 18 in Kiev. The concept of the institution is more than unusual - lunch is offered in the sky. Visitors take seats…


Sobrino de Botin - the oldest restaurant in the world
Restaurant Sobrino de Botin (Sobrino de Botin) in Madrid - the oldest catering establishment in the world, opened in 1725 and listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The history…

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5 rules of conduct in a good restaurant, which will help not to get into a embarrassing situation
Beautiful life is not forbidden. Well, at least sometimes. And from time to time, allowing yourself a trip to a good restaurant is a pleasant way to add bright colors…

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deciding to make a network

10 most inaccessible restaurants in the world

Usually it’s enough just to go to McDonalds or the nearest cafe to have a snack. Sometimes there is a desire to find some unusual restaurant that would amaze not only with original dishes, but also with its interior and location. We offer an overview of the restaurants that are the most “hard to reach” in the world. They are located either very far, or high, or deep. But having overcome the difficulties, you can get the cherished dish and feel like a winner. Continue reading

10 most shocking challenges that restaurants offer to pass to their customers

Contests that organize restaurants for their customers are considered a marketing ploy and attract visitors. Their essence lies in the fact that the client is offered to purchase a huge portion of the dish from the menu and eat completely in a limited time. This test is most likely not for the wallet, but for the capabilities of a person. After all, everyone knows that the eyes are much larger than the stomach. Continue reading

5 rules of conduct in a good restaurant, which will help not to get into a embarrassing situation

Beautiful life is not forbidden. Well, at least sometimes. And from time to time, allowing yourself a trip to a good restaurant is a pleasant way to add bright colors to your life. But before getting up on the highest heels or tightly tie a tie, it does not hurt to recall the 5 basic rules of etiquette. They will help avoid embarrassing situations and get maximum pleasure. Continue reading

9 unusual restaurants, a visit to which turns into a fascinating adventure
Among the many attractions of different countries and cities, restaurants occupy a special place. Among them there are truly iconic ones, which not only tourists strive to get into, but…


One passion is not enough
I hope this does not happen, but if I had to eat the only meal until the end of my days, it would be something simple. It all depends on…
