15 of the most delicious restaurants in Europe from the Michelin Red Guide
Three stars from Michelin mean only one thing: for the sake of this restaurant you should go on a European journey. Where exactly? Now we will tell you. In the…

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Sobrino de Botin - the oldest restaurant in the world
Restaurant Sobrino de Botin (Sobrino de Botin) in Madrid - the oldest catering establishment in the world, opened in 1725 and listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The history…


Michelin Restaurants: The Five Best Restaurants in the World
Restaurants with Michelin stars can be counted on the fingers. After all, even get one of the three - a great honor and a lot of work. Critics of Michelin…

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Tiffany's breakfast is now no longer a cinematic metaphor, but quite a reality of itself. On the fourth floor of the New York jewelry store Tiffany & Co. opened a…

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visiting the exhibition

Salt, fire and gaucho: what a traditional Brazilian restaurant looks like

Brazilian feast, like carnival, means a lot of passion. The restaurateur Gennady Medvedev explains what this means from a gastronomic point of view.
Salt, fire and gaucho: what a traditional Brazilian restaurant looks like
In Brazil, there are restaurants of various and unexpected qualities and levels. With Michelin stars and cooks, fusion, with authentic and fine cuisine. Especially for Forbes, restaurateur Gennady Medvedev talks about the Brazilian classics – churascari restaurants. Continue reading

In France, fast-food outlets have bypassed traditional restaurants.
In 2012, sales of fast-food eateries in France amounted to 34 billion euros, according to industry consulting company Gira Conseil. As a result, fast food occupied 54% of the total…


14 "special" restaurants, not everyone can afford to go to
Perhaps, good food and decent service in catering establishments are popular with everyone. Therefore, many periodically go out of the walls of their own home to have lunch or dinner…
