Nice Restaurants
Nice is the city of southern France, which attracts here hundreds of thousands of tourists. Agree, it's nice to know the city in all ranges, including gastronomy. On the Cote…

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How not to “hussar” in a status restaurant and be satisfied: tips for any wallet
There are few people who do not like to visit restaurants. It always gives a festive mood and makes you feel status. But how to protect yourself from bitter disappointment…


Nice Restaurants
Nice is the city of southern France, which attracts here hundreds of thousands of tourists. Agree, it's nice to know the city in all ranges, including gastronomy. On the Cote…

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9 reasons to go to a family vegetarian restaurant [tri:]
1. Try something new Coaches claim that for personal development, you need to do something you have never done at least once a week. Gastronomy in this respect is a…

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pay attention not

In France, fast-food outlets have bypassed traditional restaurants.

In 2012, sales of fast-food eateries in France amounted to 34 billion euros, according to industry consulting company Gira Conseil. As a result, fast food occupied 54% of the total catering market, having bypassed traditional restaurants for the first time. For comparison, in 2011, fast food restaurants accounted for only 40% of the market, and since 2004 this figure has grown by 74%. Continue reading

10 best restaurants in the world
British magazine Restaurant ranked the top 50 best restaurants in the world. And the list was headed by a new winner. The authoritative British magazine Restaurant presented the ranking of…


Unusual dinner: 8 of the strangest themed restaurants
Restaurants have long ceased to be a place where they come just to eat. To cope with the competition, their owners are trying to make their facilities as individual as…
