9 rules to follow in a Japanese restaurant
The rules of etiquette for Japanese cuisine go far beyond "not to put your elbows on the table." What everyone is used to will look strange in a Japanese restaurant,…

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Scandinavian restaurants
The tradition of this restaurant, which has become the best in Denmark, is to offer guests to go to the kitchen to look at the cooking process and greet the…


Lorenzo Whom: “The kitchen of the future is Mexican cuisine”
Lorenzo Kogo is a virtuoso chef who became the owner of the Michelin star at the age of 25. His restaurant El Coq in Marano Vicentino Northern Italy is famous…

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Art is: 15 best restaurants in the world
The best restaurants of the world that deserve a separate journey and in which you can happily eat earth, fur, sea anemones and other original delicacies In the midst of…

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highest quality

“It’s too early for the French to write off”

What does French cuisine smell like? Incredibly difficult question. We have 22 regions, and each of them has its own unique specialties and smells. But if it is nevertheless necessary to single out one thing – then, probably, this is beef in Burgundy. The smell of this dish is not confused with what.

Checking products personally is the sacred duty of any chef who respects his profession. Continue reading

10 restaurants in the world with the most expensive menu
If you have formed an extra thousand non-rubles, which you firmly decided to spend on lunch, get serious about the issue and study the list of restaurants with the most…


Seasonal fashion
In the kitchen, as in fashion, the vector of development is set by trends. To understand what trend determines our gastronomic preferences today, just look at the ranking of the…
