10 of the most unusual dishes that are served in restaurants of the world
Next time, dining in a restaurant and intending to complain about the dish served, you should take a deep breath and be glad that very strange delicacies do not serve…

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“It’s too early for the French to write off”
What does French cuisine smell like? Incredibly difficult question. We have 22 regions, and each of them has its own unique specialties and smells. But if it is nevertheless necessary…


Restaurants and cafes in Palanga
Rest in Palanga is pleasant in all respects, here you can relax and enjoy life. The only problem may be the choice of a place where you can eat -…

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The taste and color: the most beautiful restaurants in the world
From fine restaurants on the West Coast of the USA to lovely pastry shops in the Far East, Vogue UA talks about the most beautiful places in different parts of…

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friendly and polite

Unusual dinner: 8 of the strangest themed restaurants

Restaurants have long ceased to be a place where they come just to eat. To cope with the competition, their owners are trying to make their facilities as individual as possible. But, at times, their impulses acquire hypertrophied forms, and restaurants fall into the lists of the strangest thematic places.
1. Automated restaurant (San Francisco, USA)
Relatively recently, a restaurant opened in San Francisco, which does not quite match the idea of ​​a traditional eating place. Easta has no lively staff at all. Continue reading

10 incredible restaurants in North Korea, which are able to surprise even worldly-wise tourists

North Korea is one of the most closed countries in the world. It is not easy for foreigners to get into it, and not all the realities of everyday life of the average North Korean citizen are showing them. Although in North Korea not many people can afford even a cup of rice a day, there are very good restaurants in the country. After all, there are still rich people in the country, and tourists need to show something. Continue reading

5 rules of conduct in a good restaurant, which will help not to get into a embarrassing situation
Beautiful life is not forbidden. Well, at least sometimes. And from time to time, allowing yourself a trip to a good restaurant is a pleasant way to add bright colors…


9 rules to follow in a Japanese restaurant
The rules of etiquette for Japanese cuisine go far beyond "not to put your elbows on the table." What everyone is used to will look strange in a Japanese restaurant,…
