Sobrino de Botin - the oldest restaurant in the world
Restaurant Sobrino de Botin (Sobrino de Botin) in Madrid - the oldest catering establishment in the world, opened in 1725 and listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The history…

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Lorenzo Whom: “The kitchen of the future is Mexican cuisine”
Lorenzo Kogo is a virtuoso chef who became the owner of the Michelin star at the age of 25. His restaurant El Coq in Marano Vicentino Northern Italy is famous…


Scandinavian restaurants
The tradition of this restaurant, which has become the best in Denmark, is to offer guests to go to the kitchen to look at the cooking process and greet the…

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One passion is not enough
I hope this does not happen, but if I had to eat the only meal until the end of my days, it would be something simple. It all depends on…

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5 rules of conduct in a good restaurant, which will help not to get into a embarrassing situation

Beautiful life is not forbidden. Well, at least sometimes. And from time to time, allowing yourself a trip to a good restaurant is a pleasant way to add bright colors to your life. But before getting up on the highest heels or tightly tie a tie, it does not hurt to recall the 5 basic rules of etiquette. They will help avoid embarrassing situations and get maximum pleasure.

Going to an expensive restaurant? Wonderful! Sure, you remember in which hand to hold the fork, and in which – the knife. And that does not hurt to refresh in memory, so this is a reminder of the behavior in the restaurant. Nothing complicated, but it will definitely make your trip much more pleasant and comfortable.

Rule number 1: dress code
The cornerstone of social etiquette: clothing must fit the setting. So set aside your favorite jeans and comfortable sneakers at least for the evening. A trip to the restaurant implies a more elegant style and a lack of sporting elements (including caps, glasses and flip flops). Otherwise, employees at the entrance may even politely ask you to leave the room. And who needs such embarrassment? Although dress coats with crinoline dresses are also too much. Choose an image that is close to the classics – so you will not lose.

Rule number 2: ask questions – this is normal
Do not try to pretend to be an expert gourmet and linguist in one bottle. Not knowing what is hidden under the beautiful name of the dish is normal. Even in the most “respectable” restaurant. Smile and ask the waiter to clarify an incomprehensible word or help with a choice. Do not hesitate, it is absolutely appropriate. And it is certainly more pleasant than to be surprised when, after ordering “cerveaux de veau,” they brought you brains, not veal.

Rule number 3: do not be afraid to taste
Come to the exclusive restaurant of French cuisine and ask the waiter to bring a burger with fries – this is somehow strange, is not it? And some very sensitive culinary specialists may be offended by such an order. Instead, do not miss the opportunity to try something new, unfamiliar. Not sure where to start? The waiter will gladly help you with the choice. This experience will be remembered for sure and will make dinner special. A cutlet in a bun and you can cook at home.

Rule number 4: the truth in wine
And how you hold it. Firstly, ordering wine for the main course is a very good tone (red for meat, white for fish and “look, do not mix it up”). Secondly, do not refuse if the waiter offers you to taste the drink. Well, thirdly, try to hold a wine glass not for the container itself, but for the leg. So the wine will stay cold longer, you will not stain the glass with fingerprints, and it just looks much more elegant. As in the best houses of Paris.

Rule number 5: tips
Did you like dinner? Then thank the waiter. Yes, we know, this is a morally difficult moment (for many), but in a good restaurant, etiquette obliges. Tips – the moment is thin and specific, there is no single rule and “fireproof” amount for payment. But leaving 5-20% of the check will always be appropriate. But only if you are not in Japan or China: the waiters can catch up with you in the street to tip them back. Imagine for them this is an insult. Oh, everything would be so …

14 "special" restaurants, not everyone can afford to go to
Perhaps, good food and decent service in catering establishments are popular with everyone. Therefore, many periodically go out of the walls of their own home to have lunch or dinner…


10 best restaurants in the world
British magazine Restaurant ranked the top 50 best restaurants in the world. And the list was headed by a new winner. The authoritative British magazine Restaurant presented the ranking of…
