Nice Restaurants
Nice is the city of southern France, which attracts here hundreds of thousands of tourists. Agree, it's nice to know the city in all ranges, including gastronomy. On the Cote…

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Sobrino de Botin - the oldest restaurant in the world
Restaurant Sobrino de Botin (Sobrino de Botin) in Madrid - the oldest catering establishment in the world, opened in 1725 and listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The history…


9 rules to follow in a Japanese restaurant
The rules of etiquette for Japanese cuisine go far beyond "not to put your elbows on the table." What everyone is used to will look strange in a Japanese restaurant,…

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10 restaurants in the world with the most expensive menu
If you have formed an extra thousand non-rubles, which you firmly decided to spend on lunch, get serious about the issue and study the list of restaurants with the most…

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existing ingredients

What will be the restaurants of the future

Every year in February, one of the most important gastronomic events of the world Gourmet Abu Dhabi starts in the largest emirate of the UAE. The peculiarity of this event is a unique pool of chefs from around the world who come here to share experiences and talk about plans.

Two weeks of specialized dinners, culinary demonstrations, meetings with the stars of industry and backstage communication set the tone for world gastronomy a year in advance. Continue reading

A network of Italian restaurants Vapiano comes into Ukraine
The first restaurant of the German chain Vapiano will appear in Kiev in the first half of 2014 in the Arena City shopping center. “There will be a pilot project…


Buddha-Bar in St. Petersburg: lounge-restaurant of the global chain with a unique wooden interior
In the age of high technology and modern materials, interiors are still in demand, where a bet on wood is made. With a smart and professional approach, wooden interior always…
