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Food home VS restaurant: column Saveliya Libkina

From the guests of the restaurants, the staff listens to a variety of comments: they say, I can cook this at home or my mother-in-law makes the pasta more tasty! I would suggest not to compare the food home and restaurant – too different fields, these berries.

Food Home VS Restaurant
To begin with, you do not pay for homemade food to the person who prepared it – compliments and views full of gratitude do not count. That is, perhaps you give your mother-in-law money to buy groceries, but if you offered her a fee for working in the kitchen, she most likely would not have understood you. In addition, the home cook does not set a goal to earn and, accordingly, is not constrained by the value of the products. The housewife does not need to follow the instructions of the calculation and technology cards, where everything is verified to within a gram.

When you eat at home, no one offers you a choice of a couple dozen dishes. Prepare one or two dishes – and enjoy your meal! Now imagine that you came to a restaurant, and to your request to bring the menu the waiter replies: “There is no menu, you will only eat beetroot and pike with rice” – without options. Yes, there are so-called monoproducts institutions where they mainly cook lobster or just Peking duck. But you will not go to such a restaurant every day – at most once a month.

At home they prepare food in person: the one who cooks is well aware of the tastes of the one who will eat. In restaurants, this practice is possible only in theory. At home, no one will put celery in your dish that you hate and will not add mayonnaise, which you are allergic to since childhood. Try to imagine a restaurant whose chefs and waiters are aware of the tastes of each of the guests and, moreover, constantly keep this information in their head. If such mythical places exist, they are intended not even for hundreds of connoisseurs, but for dozens who are willing to pay generous attention to their own gastronomic fads.

When the food that was cooked yesterday is heated up for you at home, you take it quite well. If the waiter confidentially informs you in the restaurant that “everything is already ready, now they will only heat up, and I will bring it”, then you are unlikely to come to this place again. If you don’t like any dish at home, you will still be forced to eat it in order not to offend the hostess. In the restaurant, you will begin to demand the replacement of food that didn’t taste, or you will expect that it will not be included in the bill.

At home you can afford to dine in the cozy company of the closest, including the TV. In a restaurant, a company is not chosen – with the next table, your ex-wife, the current mistress, and a journalist with a video camera might be equally likely. There is no dress code at home, and to go to a restaurant you have to dress up. At home, you can hold a fork in your right hand, and a cutlet in your left, while the restaurant requires you to follow propriety, at least external.

The restaurateurs defiantly treat restaurant critics with special respect and are even willing to tolerate their empty rhetoric. Anyone who decides to criticize homemade food is unlikely to be invited to this house again. In a restaurant, you can request a complaint book, and at home, if you don’t like something, you can only complain about the test. If in a restaurant you begin to prove that this dish in the classic version is prepared quite differently, a long discussion with the chef will start. At home, the discussion will end, barely beginning, and end with the words: “And my mother prepared this!”

In short, one should not compare what, by definition, cannot be compared. Just enjoy the delicious food at home and in restaurants, and also love those who try to cook this food and know how to do it.

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