Seasonal fashion
In the kitchen, as in fashion, the vector of development is set by trends. To understand what trend determines our gastronomic preferences today, just look at the ranking of the…

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The most beautiful restaurants in the world
A trip to the restaurant is a pleasure not only gastronomic, but also aesthetic. The beauty of the interior and exterior affects the appetite as much as the correct serving.…


Tiffany's breakfast is now no longer a cinematic metaphor, but quite a reality of itself. On the fourth floor of the New York jewelry store Tiffany & Co. opened a…

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In France, fast-food outlets have bypassed traditional restaurants.
In 2012, sales of fast-food eateries in France amounted to 34 billion euros, according to industry consulting company Gira Conseil. As a result, fast food occupied 54% of the total…

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10 most beautiful restaurants in the world

A modern person, an Instagram child, pays attention not only to the tasty menu, but also to the stylish atmosphere. We tell you where are the most beautiful oyster and confectionery, where to go on a date with the Colosseum and how to have breakfast at Tiffany.

Leo’s Oyster Bar, San Francisco
Oyster Leo’s Oyster Bar lurks in the Financial District of San Francisco. In the reserve retroglamura come for pretentious lunches, party dinners and insta-photos. Continue reading

Nice Restaurants
Nice is the city of southern France, which attracts here hundreds of thousands of tourists. Agree, it's nice to know the city in all ranges, including gastronomy. On the Cote…


Seasonal fashion
In the kitchen, as in fashion, the vector of development is set by trends. To understand what trend determines our gastronomic preferences today, just look at the ranking of the…
