9 reasons to go to a family vegetarian restaurant [tri:]
1. Try something new Coaches claim that for personal development, you need to do something you have never done at least once a week. Gastronomy in this respect is a…

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Scandinavian restaurants
The tradition of this restaurant, which has become the best in Denmark, is to offer guests to go to the kitchen to look at the cooking process and greet the…


10 restaurants in the world with the most expensive menu
If you have formed an extra thousand non-rubles, which you firmly decided to spend on lunch, get serious about the issue and study the list of restaurants with the most…

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The most delicious and expensive dinners in 5-star restaurants
Food culture has now become an exciting activity for many people, especially among the rich and famous, and tasting expensive dishes in trendy high-end restaurants is a kind of hobby…

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inequality in income

Lorenzo Whom: “The kitchen of the future is Mexican cuisine”

Lorenzo Kogo is a virtuoso chef who became the owner of the Michelin star at the age of 25. His restaurant El Coq in Marano Vicentino Northern Italy is famous for its unique style. Experience and skills Lorenzo inherited from the legendary Heston Blumenthal and Rene Redzeppi, and acquired in their own travels in restaurants in Asia. Continue reading

Lorenzo Whom: “The kitchen of the future is Mexican cuisine”
Lorenzo Kogo is a virtuoso chef who became the owner of the Michelin star at the age of 25. His restaurant El Coq in Marano Vicentino Northern Italy is famous…


In France, fast-food outlets have bypassed traditional restaurants.
In 2012, sales of fast-food eateries in France amounted to 34 billion euros, according to industry consulting company Gira Conseil. As a result, fast food occupied 54% of the total…
