What will be the restaurants of the future
Every year in February, one of the most important gastronomic events of the world Gourmet Abu Dhabi starts in the largest emirate of the UAE. The peculiarity of this event…

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10 restaurants in the world with the most expensive menu
If you have formed an extra thousand non-rubles, which you firmly decided to spend on lunch, get serious about the issue and study the list of restaurants with the most…


Salt, fire and gaucho: what a traditional Brazilian restaurant looks like
Brazilian feast, like carnival, means a lot of passion. The restaurateur Gennady Medvedev explains what this means from a gastronomic point of view. Salt, fire and gaucho: what a traditional…

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“Arka” is a trendy bar & grill restaurant, elegantly inscribed in the real arch space of a St. Petersburg house.
The fashionable St. Petersburg restaurant “Arka” is a truly unusual place, elegantly inscribed by the architect in the space of the arch and courtyard of a historic building in the…

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best ingredients to make

Unusual dinner: 8 of the strangest themed restaurants

Restaurants have long ceased to be a place where they come just to eat. To cope with the competition, their owners are trying to make their facilities as individual as possible. But, at times, their impulses acquire hypertrophied forms, and restaurants fall into the lists of the strangest thematic places.
1. Automated restaurant (San Francisco, USA)
Relatively recently, a restaurant opened in San Francisco, which does not quite match the idea of ​​a traditional eating place. Easta has no lively staff at all. Continue reading

9 unusual restaurants, a visit to which turns into a fascinating adventure

Among the many attractions of different countries and cities, restaurants occupy a special place. Among them there are truly iconic ones, which not only tourists strive to get into, but also the locals look with pleasure. And all because these restaurants have their own “zest”. It is about such restaurants and will be discussed in this review. Continue reading

14 “special” restaurants, not everyone can afford to go to

Perhaps, good food and decent service in catering establishments are popular with everyone. Therefore, many periodically go out of the walls of their own home to have lunch or dinner at a decent institution. But there are special places where they offer something like that, though they are not affordable for everyone. But if someone decides, he will get unforgettable impressions. Continue reading

Restaurants and cafes in Palanga
Rest in Palanga is pleasant in all respects, here you can relax and enjoy life. The only problem may be the choice of a place where you can eat -…


Scandinavian restaurants
The tradition of this restaurant, which has become the best in Denmark, is to offer guests to go to the kitchen to look at the cooking process and greet the…
